Book Rec and Review – Wraith Kings by Grace Draven (Books 1-3)

Wraith Kings by Grace Draven is a magical romance series made for readers of plot foward romantic fantasies and slow burn romances. Draven is an exceptional writer with a talent for world building and character development. She writes a solid and immersive — if not particularly pulse racing — romance.

As a reader, it was a breath of fresh air to read an “arranged marriage” romance where the leads treated each other with respect and fall in love due to that mutual respect (Books 1 and 2). Ildiko and Brishen’s (leads for Books 1 and 2) initial disgust at each other’s “strange” appearance is — quite frankly — REALISTIC for an interspecies romance (and one that isn’t addressed enough!). The “otherness” between them only serves to elevate the romance as it morphs into love. On the other hand, Anhuset and Serovek’s romance (leads for Book 3) is prickly. While Serovek is completely awed by Anhuset and her strength, she is thorny and wants nothing to do with him. Their romance is more about push and pull of love vs. duty.

Despite the solid writing and wold building, Books 1-3 of Wraith Kings don’t quite make it to the “highly recommended” category is due to a slowburn that ultimately delivers lackluster love scenes. If you are going to make me wait 200 pages for the “action” to start, my mind better be blown! That said, the love scenes aren’t bad, I would even go so far as to call them good. They just don’t take your breath away.

Overall, I look foward to reading other installments in Grace Draven’s Wraith Kings series. Too many questions are yet to be answered!


Subgenres: romantasy; magic romance.


  • Books 1 and 2: arranged marriage, marriage of convenience, friends to lovers, slow burn, interspecies romance.
  • Book 3: enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, slow burn, interspecies romance, arranged marriage, strong heroine.

Spiciness: SLOW burn. Explicit scenes but nothing particularly shocking.

Setting: Medieval fantasy setting of the kingdoms of Gauri, Bast-Haradi and Beladine.


  • Ildiko (Books 1-2, Female Lead) – A human noblewoman and niece to the king of the human kingdom of Gauri. Her marriage to Brishen has been arranged to ensure an alliance between the kingdoms of Gauri and Bast- Haradis. Ildiko is practical and understands the political machinations of court. Although she initially finds Brishen’s appearance to be on the monstrous side, she comes to fall deeply in love with him.
  • Brishen Khaskem (Books 1-2, Male Lead) – A Kai male and second son to the king and (evil) queen of Bast-Haradis. His marriage to Ildiko is arranged to ensure an alliance between their kingdoms. Despite admiring and respecting Ildiko, he is initially repulsed by her skin color and eyes, so different from his own.
  • Anhusent (Book 3, Female Lead) – “Sha”/second in command and cousin to Brishen. She is a fierce kai female warrior in Brishen’s army. Much to Anhuset’s annoyance, Serovek seems to have taken an interest in her. Anhuset is not above gutting Serovek to put a stop to his flirting. However, she soons finds it hard to ignore her own attraction and admiration for this fierce and brave warrior.
  • Serovek Pangion (Book 3, Male Led) – a human male and a Margrave to High Salure territory of the human kingdom of Beladine. He is an incredibly brave warrior but also an incorrigible flirt. Unlike other humans, he has a good relationship with the neighboring Kai, specially Brishen. Serovek is immediately taken by Anhuset and will go to all lengths to have her.

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