Each novel in The Clecanians follows the story of a human female that has been abducted from earth by a secret Clecanian organization seeking to find a “breedable” species with whom Clecanians can increase their population numbers. Once the Clecanian government comes to learn of the kidnapped human females, a race ensues to assimilate them into Clecanian society. Each heroine approaches their predicament differently: some wish to return home and others wish to start a new life in Clecania. However, they all wish to avoid forced marriages and becoming broodmares to Clecanian men. Throughout each of their unique journeys, however, they find spicy matehood with sexy aliens trained to be the perfect husbands.
We applaud Aveline for making the heroines and heroes vastly diverse. The heroines are wonderfully modern without being cliche, and the heroes are swoon-worthy alphas that always “fall first”. Our particular favorites in this series were Choosing Theo, Tempting Auzed, Using Fejo and Ruling Sikthand.
This series ignited our love for the “mars needs women” trope!
Spice: 4 chili peppers
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