Book Rec & Review – Bride by Ali Hazelwood

Ali Hazelwood’s Bride is a slow burn paranormal romance set in a modern society where humans, vampires, and werewolves live adjacently but not entirely peacefully.

Bride received positive reviews from Publishers Weekly and Kirkus Reviews, and is one of Amazon’s picks for Best Romance of February 2024. Bride has also been featuring in the best sellers lists!

Bride by Ali Hazelwood

Bride by Ali Hazelwood


Published: February 6, 2024

Subgenres: Paranormal Romance, Vampire Romance, Werewolf Romance


  • Super likable and witty vampire heroine, and swoon-worthy and manly werewolf hero.
  • Good read for “marriage of convenience” trope lovers.
  • The witty banter is perfectly executed and laugh out loud.
  • Slow burn warning: spice was there but took forever to get there. Once it finally arrived, reader is left feeling like there was not enough of it.
  • I clutched my pearls when I learned what “knotting” means in the werewolf romance novel world.
  • Plot felt somewhat underveloped. So much more could/should have been done. In the end, author leaves open the possibility of this becoming a series.

Synopsis (courtesy of Berkley):

Misery Lark, the only daughter of the most powerful Vampyre councilman of the Southwest, is an outcast—again. Her days of living in anonymity among the Humans are over: she has been called upon to uphold a historic peacekeeping alliance between the Vampyres and their mortal enemies, the Weres, and she sees little choice but to surrender herself in the exchange—again…

Weres are ruthless and unpredictable, and their Alpha, Lowe Moreland, is no exception. He rules his pack with absolute authority, but not without justice. And, unlike the Vampyre Council, not without feeling. It’s clear from the way he tracks Misery’s every movement that he doesn’t trust her. If only he knew how right he was….

Because Misery has her own reasons to agree to this marriage of convenience, reasons that have nothing to do with politics or alliances, and everything to do with the only thing she’s ever cared about. And she is willing to do whatever it takes to get back what’s hers, even if it means a life alone in Were territory…alone with the wolf.